Colletes bees Prof. Abdulsalam Mohamed

The Colletes cunicularius bee is a species of solitary wild bees belonging to the Colletidae family. It is widely distributed across the Palearctic region, from Great Britain in the west to the Pacific coasts of Siberia and China in the east. This bee is also known as the "polyester bee" or "cellophane bee" due to the wax-like substance it secretes to construct and protect its nests. It thrives in open sandy soil environments, where it digs its nests at depths ranging from 45 to 55 cm.

This species is characterized by a body covered in hair, with an unbanded black abdomen contrasting with a thorax covered in brown hair. The males are smaller and paler than the females. Colletes cunicularius is one of the earliest bee species to start flying in the spring, making it a key pollinator for many wild and cultivated plants. It plays a significant role in maintaining ecological balance and promoting biodiversity in natural and agricultural environments.

Despite its wide distribution, populations of this bee have been affected in some areas due to urban expansion and environmental changes. Recent studies indicate an increase in this species’ presence in new areas, such as southern England and Jersey Island. In recent years, this species has also been introduced to Yemen for agricultural research purposes. Studies have shown that Yemeni soil is rich in organic matter and minerals essential for the nesting of wild bees.
